p/s : im using "ROJAK" language

hyeee peeps. im farah. my age?? will be 20 by next year (2011). *pecah rahsia. :) my latest title is "KAKAK FARAH". credit to A & S. you will know about them if you read their details after this. *at right hand side of my blog. ave their picture also. this blog just for fun actually. i will update if i feel to do so. im a very simple person, very open minded, but easy 'tersentap' will people. so watch out friends. if you're nice to me, i would be 'super duper' nice to you. the most important thing DO NOT MAKE ME ANGRY because you will be in trouble later if you do that. *cm gangster tk? ahaha.. :) and do not be surprised if i 'maki²' and 'kutuk²' in this blog. *bru function blog ni. last but not least im sorry if anyone will 'tersentap' with what i will write later. ave fun and enjoy your day by reading my blog. ♥

Thursday, November 19, 2009


rasa nyee sume dah tau my decision. i decide nk accept offer uitm tu. walaupun jauh, tp i rse bagus utk i. hahaha. so dah confirm lah. i akan pegi terengganu next month. hmm. sedih lah jgk nk pegi sne. sume kwn2 i dkt cni. for sure i jarang blk cni nnti. ye lah. jauh kot. nk naik flight mahal sgt. naik bus ushh berjam2 plak. tp kalo blh nk jgk lah blk cni slalu. hmmm thats all story about my decision. u guys nk tau tk, smlm i online smpai pkl 4am. hahaha. paling lmbt kot i tdo. before ni smpai pkl 2-3am je. chat dgn kwn i lah. story psl history ktorg. last2 kan i yg malu. hahaha. sbb salah. serius malu gile. tp kan i serba salah lah dkt kwn i tu. yelah, i TERcakap yg bkn2 plak. sure dye terasa dgn i. i pun sengal sgt time tu. isshh. to A, seriously sorry about last night.